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NHS Tayside

Birnam Forensic Community Mental Health Team

  • Stage 1


    Reaching out and supporting individuals into regular activity and positive routines

  • Stage 2

    Assess Needs

    Assess initial needs and agree key activities to address barriers to employment and training

  • Stage 3

    Vocational Activity

    A range of core skills employability and accredited training and job search activities.

  • Stage 4

    Employers & Job Matching

    Arranging work or volunteer placements with employers

  • Stage 5

    In Work Support & Aftercare

    Supporting individuals to maintain and progress within the workplace


Joanne Koziel,
Occupational Therapist

Birnam Day Centre Murray Royal Hospital,
Perth, PH2 5BH

Opening Times

9am to 5pm,

The Occupational Therapists in Birnam FCMHT work with individuals at all stages of the employability pipeline, supporting them to engage in personally purposeful and meaningful activity which is individually graded and supported at an appropriate level.

Employability Stages;

  1. The Occupational Therapists support individuals to identify appropriate pro-social activities of interest in their local community and provide graded support to engage in these, to promote development of a positively structured weekly routine. Activity groups are offered by the Birnam FCMHT team and the Occupational Therapy department, as well as promoting integration into more mainstream community groups wherever possible.
  2. Individual assessment and activity analysis allows vocational activities to be appropriately graded and adapted to match the individual.
  3. Individuals are supported in a variety of pre -vocational and employability skills, such as identification of skills, interests and areas for development, help to develop an up to date CV, support with communication and interview skills, accessing training opportunities, job search activities and contacting potential employers or establishing links with voluntary organisations. Where appropriate, individuals are also encouraged to link in with other members of the Employability Network for additional support with specific work related activity.
  4. The Occupational Therapists continue to seek opportunities and develop positive working relationships throughout Tayside to challenge the stigma that mentally disordered offenders face in attempts to overcome barriers to employment and widen work related opportunities available.
  5. All individuals in any type of work placement or employment are provided with regular ongoing support from the Occupational Therapists and the wider FCMHT, to sustain their positive engagement in work related activities, overcome potential barriers as they arise and provide support and reassurance to employers and voluntary organisations as necessary.