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Checkin - Giraffe

CheckIn Works & Giraffe Trading

  • Stage 1


    Reaching out and supporting individuals into regular activity and positive routines

  • Stage 2

    Assess Needs

    Assess initial needs and agree key activities to address barriers to employment and training

  • Stage 3

    Vocational Activity

    A range of core skills employability and accredited training and job search activities.

  • Stage 4

    Employers & Job Matching

    Arranging work or volunteer placements with employers

  • Stage 5

    In Work Support & Aftercare

    Supporting individuals to maintain and progress within the workplace


Gareth Ruddock,
Chief Executive

51-53 South Street,
Perth, PH2 8PD
hello@checkin-giraffe.uk01738 449227Checkin GiraffeGiraffe Tradinggiraffeinperth

Opening Times

9am to 5pm, 9am to 5pm, 9am to 5pm, 9am to 5pm, 9am to 5pm, 9am to 5pm, closed to closed,

Checkin Giraffe
Checkin Giraffe

CheckIn Works and Giraffe Trading offer personal support, work experience and vocational and employability training. Placements are provided through their Perth-based social enterprise that can assist individuals with significant barriers to entering a work environment. The organisation helps individuals to make the steps towards work, mainstream volunteering or onto other college or sector courses that will help develop their careers further.

Work experience placements are currently available in catering & hospitality with the addition of outdoor and other learning activities that focus on socialisation and inclusion. The provision of accredited training is offered in-house through a virtual platform, with staff support. Trainees progress through a journey of work, life and learning with the emphasis on building work skills, confidence and inclusion

The service is based over three venues in Perth –