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Perth & Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership

Employment Support Team - Working Together for Everyone's Future...

  • Stage 1


    Reaching out and supporting individuals into regular activity and positive routines

  • Stage 2

    Assess Needs

    Assess initial needs and agree key activities to address barriers to employment and training

  • Stage 3

    Vocational Activity

    A range of core skills employability and accredited training and job search activities.

  • Stage 4

    Employers & Job Matching

    Arranging work or volunteer placements with employers

  • Stage 5

    In Work Support & Aftercare

    Supporting individuals to maintain and progress within the workplace


Employment Support Team,

41D St Catherine's Road ,
Perth, PH1 5SJ 477638ESTPKEmployabilityReferral Form

Jackie Scrimgeour,
Employment Development Manager

41D St Catherine's Road ,
Perth, PH1 5SJ

Opening Times

8:30am to 5:30pm,

EST team members are based in various localities throughout Perth and Kinross.

The Employment Support Team offer a range of employability services to people with mental health difficulties, acquired brain injury, autistic spectrum diagnosis, physical disabilities, sensory loss, or learning disabilities from localities throughout Perth and Kinross. The Team use a person centred approach to help people prepare for, find, access and maintain work by the following means;

While in work, ongoing support is offered to individuals and Employers in the form of advice, reviewing and monitoring. The Team works in partnership with other Professionals in an advisory role relating to supported employment issues and also Employability Network members and Employers to breakdown barriers of stigma and discrimination; this helps widen the local job market for people who face additional challenges.