Barnardo's Scotland
Barnardo's Works

- Stage 1
Reaching out and supporting individuals into regular activity and positive routines
- Stage 2
Assess Needs
Assess initial needs and agree key activities to address barriers to employment and training
- Stage 3
Vocational Activity
A range of core skills employability and accredited training and job search activities.
- Stage 4
Employers & Job Matching
Arranging work or volunteer placements with employers
- Stage 5
In Work Support & Aftercare
Supporting individuals to maintain and progress within the workplace
Sheelagh Scott,
Service Manager
07917 Works,
Perth Business Centre 28 Glasgow Road,Perth, PH2
Opening Times
9am to 5pm,Barnardo's Works provides unemployed young people with a unique blend of personal support and vocational training, matched with quality work experience placements and the opportunity to access independent employment. The Barnardo's Works project effectively addresses issues such as unemployment and poverty, and enables young people to become an active member of their local community.
The support package is tailored to meet the needs of the young person, and all individuals are allocated a key worker to support them throughout the duration of the programme.
The following programmes are delivered across P&K:
- Employability Fund – Stages 2, 3 & 4
- Barnardo’s Works Best – Stages 1, 2 & 3
- Discovering Your Potential – “Care Experienced” Employability Programme
Initial enquiries welcome from referral partners, stakeholders and young people seeking support.
Barnardo’s has secured funding through Perth & Kinross Council’s No One Left Behind Challenge Fund to deliver this new project in Perth & Kinross and we will be working in partnership with ENABLE Works.
- To support the introduction of the Scottish Government’s No One Left Behind (NOLB) Employability Funding Stream to deliver a more flexible and user-based model of employability support for people from school leaving age up to 67 years of age;
- To deliver fairer and more inclusive communities where every person has an opportunity to reach their potential;
- To ensure a strong emphasis is placed on making early interventions for vulnerable individuals, families and disadvantaged communities;
- To ensure service delivery is integrated ensuring accessibility.
Target Groups:
- Jobless Care Experienced Young People (16-26)
- Unemployed People with a physical/learning Disability or Health Condition (16-67)
- 16-19-Year-Olds/School Leavers without a Positive Destination (incl. 15½-year-olds needing support to transition from school to post-school activity)
- Unemployed residents living in rural areas/ the most deprived SIMD areas <5% datazones (16-29)
- Long Term Unemployed (16-29)
- Young people 16-29 with other protected characteristics, e.g. LGBTQ+
- Disabled parents with dependent children, and Parents with disabled children (unemployed/low income employed) – Parental Employment Support (PES)
Employability4All offers a Whole-Family Employability Service – focusing on lifting families out of poverty, reducing Child Poverty and In Work Poverty through targeted and tailored “all age, all stage” employability interventions for young people, adults and families (parents) facing unemployment and under-employment.
Through our person-centred and trauma-informed approach, Employability4All will provide individual and customised support to address a range of barriers identified through our comprehensive initial assessment and action planning process. Our support will be tailored to meets the needs and preferences of the Young Person, Adult and Parent, and will include a focus on a range of barriers and support needs, including:
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Health Related Barriers
- Low Self-Esteem and Confidence
- Lack of Routine/Social Isolation
- Digital Exclusion
- Little/No Qualifications or Work Experience
- Financial Barriers
Programme Offer:
The Employability4All Team will provide a tailored and targeted employability support service to 68 participants up to March 2023: “All Age, All Stage” Provision supporting the target groups highlighted above. Activities will be tailored for each participant but will include:
- Relationship Building
- Assessment & Action Planning
- Vocational Profiling
- Key Worker Support to remove Barriers and to facilitate Personal Development & Growth
- Mental Health & Wellbeing: Checklist, Action Plan, Risk Assessment & Safety Plan as required
- Employability Skills: Individual and Group Work Activities covering areas such as Skills for Customer Care; Responsibilities of Employment; CV/Applications/Job Search/Interview Skills. Employers will also support these activities.
- Employability/SQA and Vocational/Industry-Specific Qualifications
- Supporting eligible Parents to undertake training to progress into work or progress in work/report an improved labour market position (Upskill Fund for PES Available)
- Volunteering/Work Experience
- Employer Engagement
- In-Work Aftercare