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YMCA Tayside

  • Stage 1


    Reaching out and supporting individuals into regular activity and positive routines

  • Stage 2

    Assess Needs

    Assess initial needs and agree key activities to address barriers to employment and training

  • Stage 3

    Vocational Activity

    A range of core skills employability and accredited training and job search activities.

  • Stage 4

    Employers & Job Matching

    Arranging work or volunteer placements with employers

  • Stage 5

    In Work Support & Aftercare

    Supporting individuals to maintain and progress within the workplace


Matthew Dellequaglia,
Main Contact

5 Charlotte Street,
Perth, PH1 5LW
matthew@ymcaperth.comwww.ymcaperth.com01738 629883Perth YMCA

Opening Times

9am to 5pm,

Perth & District YMCA aim to help young aged between 8 - 25 build a future through a variety of different opportunities, courses and supports. Working in 5 key developmental areas;

We offer support in a variety of contexts including working in schools, on the streets, helping to find a job as well as on-going support after beginning employment, education or training.

We offer accredited qualifications in Employability Skills (Intermediate 1) and PX2 Developing Effective Thinking Skills (Intermediate 2).

Please see our website for a list of all opportunities available including;

There are also opportunities run in partnership with other organisations e.g. Linc, Directions.