Perth & Kinross Council
Welfare Rights Team

- Stage 1
Reaching out and supporting individuals into regular activity and positive routines
- Stage 2
Assess Needs
Assess initial needs and agree key activities to address barriers to employment and training
- Stage 3
Vocational Activity
A range of core skills employability and accredited training and job search activities.
- Stage 4
Employers & Job Matching
Arranging work or volunteer placements with employers
- Stage 5
In Work Support & Aftercare
Supporting individuals to maintain and progress within the workplace
Welfare Rights Team,
Advice Line
01738 Rights TeamOpening Times
9am to 5pm,Perth & Kinross Council - Welfare Rights Team provides a free, confidential and impartial welfare rights service to the residents of Perth and Kinross. The team offers advice and information on welfare benefits and other help that may be available to you. This can help you on the journey back to work if you need money advice or a "back to work" benefits calculation. They also provide an appeal representation service, as well as talks and training on all aspects of the benefits system.