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Frequently Asked Questions

Q : How can the Network help employers?

Some of the organisations in the Network offer employers a range of supports, training courses and advisory services. There is information about this on the Employers page.

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Q : How does the Network make sure our clients get a good service?

It is important that you have confidence in our services. We publish performance results every year, and whether you are a job seeker or an employer, we will check with you on a regular basis to be certain you are satisfied with the help you receive. We also have a wide range of training programmes for the staff to ensure they are well informed and skilled in delivering high quality services.

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Q : Our vision - why we set up the Perth and Kinross Employability Network

The Employability Network was formed in 2011 from a partnership of twenty two organisations; all working in the field of employability services. There are now thirty members. This initiative heralded a new approach to the provision of employability support for people who experience additional barriers to entering or staying in employment. The types of challenges facing our clients are mostly health problems, disability or difficulties in rebuilding a life after a criminal conviction. We recognise that for many such individuals, access to employment and training opportunities can be more difficult and some extra help is needed.

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Q : What do we mean by ‘employability’?

This is the definition of 'employability' as used by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives: -

"The combination of factors and processes which enable people to progress towards or get into employment, to stay in employment, and to move on in the workplace."

You may need help with only one stage of your journey back to work such as a training course or a combination of various services and supports over a period of time. We aim to help you as an individual to improve your prospects of finding and keeping a good job that suits you well. Everyone we work with has their own unique needs in terms of 'employability', and so the wide range of different organisations in the Network offers a comprehensive 'menu' and combination of services to choose from.

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Q : What makes the Network successful in getting people into work?

We know that the route into work can be an exceptionally difficult and complicated process for some. All the partner organisations employ staff with specialist skills and qualifications to help people with their individual health, training and personal development needs. We co-ordinate and organise Network services in such a way as to support you at every stage of the pathway to work. You can see this process in the diagram on the home page

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Q : What type of support can you expect from the Network?

Each organisation offers different services; some examples of these include:

  • Assistance from an experienced support worker who will help you with an achievable personal plan that suits your individual employability needs.
  • Specialist advice and assistance with finances, welfare rights and back to work calculations.
  • Courses, group work and one-to-one help with issues such as confidence building, communications skills, coping with stress and improving assertiveness
  • Access to certificated training and qualifications in a wide range of subject areas.
  • Real work experience and / or meaningful voluntary placements to enhance your CV.
  • Help with job searches, completing applications forms and interview skills.
  • Specialist support and Working Health Services to help you keep your job.

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Q : Who are the partners in this Network?

Members are drawn from a wide range of public and voluntary sector services that offer some form of specialist support, training or advice to job seekers who need a little extra help. These organisations have committed to work together in a closer partnership, to create a unique infrastructure of well co-ordinated and supported pathways into employment. See the Network Members page for the full list of partners.

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